VitalTrace receives government backing for local manufacturing

VitalTrace is proud to announce it has received support from the McGowan government, Roger Cook and Medical Technology and Pharmaceutical (MTP) Connect under the WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub Manufacturing Voucher Program.

MTPConnect Managing Director and CEO, Dr Dan Grant, said, “Manufacturing medical products is a national priority so we’re supporting these promising projects to develop their medical devices and diagnostics.”

The MTP initiative, driven by Tracey Wilkinson and Kevin Pfleger, aims to accelerate the development and manufacturing of medical technology and pharmaceutical products in WA, such as medical devices, diagnostics, biologics and pharmaceuticals. The program is currently co-funded through the McGowan Government's New Industries Fund, industry growth centre MTPConnect and The University of Western Australia.

VitalTrace is honoured to be one of five WA-based companies under the scheme to been awarded a total of $450,000 to accelerate innovation projects requiring advanced manufacturing capabilities.

VitalTrace’s Chief Executive Officer said, “We are so fortunate to be supported by the McGowan Government through MTPConnect. This will not only bolster our path to market, but also bring new opportunities for Western Australia.”

This wonderful news adds to recent announcement of a new fund of approximately $40 million of ongoing support made towards health and medical research, innovation and commercialisation in Western Australia by Roger Cook.

More information


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