Western Australia Innovator of the Year Finalist

VitalTrace would like to announce we have been named a Finalist in WA Innovator of the Year for the Wesfarmers Wellbeing Category!

We are incredibly proud to be named amongst such high-calibre companies, including WA MedTech innovators in VeinTech, The University of Western Australia/Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and Avicena Systems.

Thank you to Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Life Sciences WA MTPConnect and AusBiotech.

We cannot wait to see how this opportunity allows us to further progress our technology, company and mission to deliver a new gold-standard in childbirth monitoring.

Congratulations and good luck to all 2021 WA Innovator of the Year Finalists!

See the article on the Western Australia Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation’s website.


$2.85M successful CRC-P grant win for VitalTrace


Childbirth monitoring technology has barely changed since the 1960s